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Yevgeny Ivanov

  • Yevgeny Ivanov has been at HSE University since 2012.



Master's in Political Science
HSE University

Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2023, 2021

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2017-2018)

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)



  • 2017
    The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship (Мюнстер). Presentation: Political Regimes Sustainability Factors in Post-Soviet Central Asia
  • 2015
    Первая научно-практическая конференция «Власть и насилие в незападных обществах: проблемы теоретического осмысления и опыт практического изучения» (Москва). Presentation: "Мозговые центры" Казахстана и Узбекистана в процессе принятия политических решений.
  • Северный Кавказ как пространство для диалога культур / Механизмы урегулирования конфликтов на Северном Кавказе (Пятигорск). Presentation: Брендинг регионов Северного Кавказа как фактор устойчивого развития
  • Северный Кавказ как пространство для диалога культур / Механизмы урегулирования конфликтов на Северном Кавказе (Пятигорск). Presentation: Брендинг регионов Северного Кавказа как фактор устойчивого развития

Employment history

1. Teaching assistant

2. Intern-researcher.

3. Junior research fellow (2016 - 2022).

4. Teacher (2020-present).

5. Research Fellow (2022-present)/

Timetable for today

Full timetable

Prospects for Russian-Indian co-operation

Ashish Singh, the graduate of the Doctoral School of Political Science (HSE University), published a column in the Garhwal Post (India) about the prospects of Russian-Idian relations after Modi's vitis to Moscow. Yevgeny Ivanov, the reserch fellow of the CSRA, contributed to this covering the issue of education.

CSRA congratulates on the new year-2023!

We wish everyone stability and accurate calculation of risks!

Yevgeny Ivanov spoke at the Social Science Alliance conference organised by the FSN of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

A researcher from the CSRA presented his paper "Army and Politics in the Central Asian States in the Post-Soviet Period". The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that the Central Asian states, as well as other newly formed republics, faced the need to build and modernise their own armed forces to replace the all-Soviet army. In the course of his presentation, Yevgeny Ivanov emphasised that strengthening milirary capacities is an integral part of state building for any polity that claims full sovereignty. Despite the economic difficulties of the transition period, all Central Asian states are were endeavouring to develop their armed forces. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and, according to some reports, Turkmenistan, have increased their defence spending in the 2010s, upgrading their own material and technical base. At the same time, the increased focus on the defence sector is not currently affecting political processes.

Scholars of CSRA took part in the plenary session 'Africa in a Changing World'

The session was held on the basis on Yasin (April) Conference organized by HSE University annually.
During the session the speakers talked a lot about the challenges Africa is facing in the 21st century, as well as the opportunities that appear for this continent in a changing geopolitical context. The prospects for cooperation between Russia and African states were discussed in particular. 

Yevgeny Ivanov spoke at the СYPS RUPSA (RAPN) Conference "Political Science at a Breaking Point: the Old Paradigm vs. the New Reality"

The CSRA reserach fellow presented his report on monumental politics in modern Dagestan. Yevgeny Ivanov paid attention to the recent trends in the monumental politics and illustrated his perfomance with few bright cases.

Yevgeny Ivanov and Ashish Singh on the prospects of using national currencies

Can Russia and India abandon the US dollar in bilateral trade?

The article on the repatriation of Syrian Circassians to the North Caucasus has been published in Europe-Asia Studies journal

An electronic version of the article "A Troubled Return to the Homeland: Syrian Circassians in Southern Russia" has been published on the Europe-Asia Studies journal website. The article covers issues related to the migration of Syrian Circassians (Adyghe) to the Russian regions of the North Caucasus. With the outbreak of conflict in Syria, hundreds of Syrian Circassians decided to move to the Caucasus, where their ancestors lived. Since the Caucasus is perceived by the Syrian Circassians as their historical homeland, they believe that this is not just migration, but repatriation. However, the institutionalization of repatriation took a long time, since there was a risk that supporters of Daesh (the terrorist organization is banned in the Russian Federation) could ifiltrate to Russia.

Yevgeny Ivanov performed as a discussant at the online section "Political Science", at the conference "Alliance of Social Sciences"

Students from the HSE University, St. Petersburg State University and other universities took part in the section. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, from identity and political representation to the political implications of environmental protests. Yevgeny Ivanov noted the high level of reports given there.

Yevgeny Ivanov took part in the conference on the values of the youth of Central Asia

Yevgeny Ivanov, the junior researcher of the Lab, took part in the international scientific conference "Transformation of the values and norms of youth", which was held with the support of the Agency for Youth Affairs of Uzbekistan. Among the speakers there were researchers from Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, France, and Brazil. Yevgeny Ivanov presented his report “Youth Values and Stability in Central Asia”, focusing on how changing values are associated with the processes of socio-political destabilization in the region.

The delegation of the Higher School of Economics visited the Republic of Tatarstan to study the regional experience in Islamic education development.

Leonid Issaev, Alisa Shishkina, Yevgeny Ivanov, and Yegor Fain, scholars of the Laboratory for Monitoring the Risks of Socio-Political Destabilization (HSE University) stayed in Tatarstan from 10 to 14 July 2022 to investigate the approach to Islamic education in the Republic.

Islamic education in Ingushetia: report on the expedition of the Laboratory within the "Rediscovering Russia again" project

From May 14 to May 21, 2022, the Laboratory staff and HSE students conducted an expedition in the Republic of Ingushetia.The activities of Islamic universities in Russian regions have been the focus of attention of the Laboratory staff for several years. A successful expedition to Dagestan in 2019 uncovered a great potential in this direction, but the COVID-19 pandemic did not allow field research. Finally, expedition opportunities have opened up again for HSE staff and students. This time we went to Ingushetia, one of the few regions where monoethnic nature of society is combined with the dominance of Islam. Our Laboratory became the first HSE unit to organize an expedition to Ingushetia, thereby opening up this region from a new perspective.

The international workshop in Istanbul

The laboratory's scholars Leonid Issaev and Evgeny Ivanov took part in the international workshop "Regionalism in the South Caucasus", which was held in Istanbul on the basis of the Institut français d'etudes anatoliennes (IFEA). The workshop was attended by researchers from Russia, Turkey, Iran, France, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

The book about revolutions in the 21st century has been published!

Springer published the book "Handbook of Revolutions in the 21st Century". The Lab's leading research fellows A.V. Korotaev and L.E. Grinin contributed as co-editors of J. Goldstone, one of the most famous researchers of revolutionary processes in modern political science.

Risks for the Russian labor market: prospects for cooperation with India

The open portal Countercurrents.org (based in India) published the text of a joint article by Yevgeny Ivanov and Ashish Kumar Singh about new challenges for the Russian labor market.

Presentation of the laboratory and its projects

On March 16, a meeting of the Lab's staff with students of the master's programs "Politics. Economics. Philosophy", "Applied Political Science" and "Russian Studies" was held.

Linguistic Pleasure: HSE University’s Academic Writing Centre

Founded in 2011, the Academic Writing Centre strives to help HSE University faculty improve their academic and research-writing skills in English. HSE University bulletin Okna spoke to several teachers and researchers who have used the AWC’s services over the decade.

The journal "Asia and Today" published an article by the staff of our laboratory on Islamic education in Russia

The publication was based on the results of the expedition to Dagestan, organized by the laboratory, with the support of the HSE project "Discovering Russia again".